Foundation Board
The John XXIII College Foundation has a Board of Management consisting of elected and nominated members. Nominated members are representatives from the John XXIII College Council. The Members of the Foundation Board bring expertise from; business, law, finance and education, as well as experience in their roles as donors, parents, past and present, grandparents and Alumni. The Board meets on a bi-monthly basis and the Foundation Annual General Meeting is held in November.
The members of the John XXIII College Foundation Board are:-
- James Thompson (Class of 1986) - Chair
- Christian Golding (Class of 1994) - Treasurer and Chair of Investment Committee
- Stephanie Hillbeck (Class of 1990) - Secretary
- Dr Courtenay Harris - Council Representative and Council Chair
- Neil Hackett (Class of 1986) - Council Representative
- Sarah Rohr (Class of 1989) - Council Representative
- Natalie Kendal - Council Representative
For queries regarding the Foundation please contact the John XXIII College Foundation on 9383 0400 or