We believe that a gesture as significant as a bequest should be acknowledged during the donor's life.

The Koolyangarra Bequest Society is our way of thanking and honouring those who have chosen to remember John XXIII College Foundation in their will during their lifetime.  The Koolyangarra Bequest Society takes the name given to the Loreto Claremont Primary School - an Aboriginal word meaning 'meeting place of happy children'.

The Society recognises each person's contribution to our College mission: creating people of competence, conscience and compassion, who are committed to God and the service of others.

Members of the Koolyangarra Bequest Society are honoured through invitations to special events, acknowledging them in in our Annual Gratitude Report, and keeping them in touch with the College. 

If you have left a gift for the College in your Will, there is no obligation to inform the Foundation.  However, if you would like to be a part of the Koolyangarra Society, do please let us know of your gift by contacting: 

Foundation Executive Officer 

Email: foundation@johnxxiii.edu.au 

Phone: 08 9383 0400